
INTERVIEW: Cabaret Star TORI SCOTT On New "Thirsty For More" Tour
I found that the key is to really love what you are singing and to be honest with what you are saying. There’s a lot of joy in that. And if

On June 24th some of the biggest names in Broadway gathered for the ninth annual Broadway Sings for Pride. Created by Neal Bennington in...

INTERVIEW: JUSTIN SAYRE Talks Ravenswood Manor at Joe's Pub, The Gay Agenda, and Return Night of
Justin Sayre (Ricardo Nelson) Justin Sayre is a writer and performer who Michael Musto called, “Oscar Wilde meets Whoopi Goldberg.” His...

INTERVIEW: CHRISTINA BIANCO Returns to The Green Room 42 With Her New Show "Diva On Demand"
There’s so much to play with. Classic movie musical tunes, sitcom theme songs, 80’s movie anthems, dramatic monologues … all performed as me