
RYE REVIEWS: Betrayal On Broadway
Charlie Cox and cast are simply brilliant. At times relatable and at times disgustful, as an audience member you almost feel as if you are i

INTERVIEW: MICHAEL KOOMAN and CHRIS DIMOND On Their Brand New Musical "The Noteworthy Life of H
JOURNALIST CD: Now, I’ll take off my musical theatre writing hat and put on my journalizing cap as I hit you with the type of hard-hitting,

The Public Theater's Production of HERCULES Shines at The Delacorte In Central Park
From classic songs Zero to Hero, Go the Distance, I Won’t Say (I’m in Love), and Gospel Truth, this production has everything you love. Ever

INTERVIEW: ERIK LIBERMAN Talks "Transparent" Musical Finale, Working Alongside Judith Ligh
The other incredible thing about Judith is that, you know, she's just a constant explorer. She's on the brink of discovery all the t

REVIEW: To Life! Fiddler A Miracle of Miracles Documentary Review
Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles cover art poster Fiddler A Miracle of Miracles the new documentary about the making of Fiddler on the Roof...

INTERVIEW: Broadway's TONY LEPAGE and JOSH SASSANELLA On Their New Musical "Oswald"
There were many trial and error versions of the show, (as there always are) but we really found our voice through Marina. She is the only pe