
MakerSeries: Jen Wheeler Kahn Talks About How Her Passion for Theater and Giving Back Led To The Cre
"Mamma Mia is by far our best seller, but also because we have the most of it, we have the entire show’s worth and all the drops are e

#MakerSeries: Will Barrios Talks About the Creation and Launch of Tatro, Finding Your Passion, and A
(Will Barrios- Founder and CEO of Tatro) In this new feature called #MakerSeries, will give you a first-hand look at...

INTERVIEW: JUSTIN SAYRE Talks Ravenswood Manor at Joe's Pub, The Gay Agenda, and Return Night of
Justin Sayre (Ricardo Nelson) Justin Sayre is a writer and performer who Michael Musto called, “Oscar Wilde meets Whoopi Goldberg.” His...

SuperYou The Musical Previews Songs at The Players Club NYC
(The cast and creative team for the presentation of SuperYou The Musical) Last night the new musical SuperYou which is currently in...

INTERVIEW: CHRISTINA BIANCO Returns to The Green Room 42 With Her New Show "Diva On Demand"
There’s so much to play with. Classic movie musical tunes, sitcom theme songs, 80’s movie anthems, dramatic monologues … all performed as me

New Off-Broadway Show THE MAR VISTA Opens At The Signature Theater
Some of the cast of The Mar Vista in performance (Matthew Murphy) Created by award-winning Brooklyn-based playwright/choreographer Yehuda...