If you missed it, I redid my home page on this website and went live the other day! The new home page is much more straightforward to navigate and looks better. I also included some photos of some of the biggest stars I've gotten interview over the last few years and I also included the link to my Hosting reel-- which, btw, I love how it turned out! Shoutout to John Pope from 9forty4pictures for doing such a terrific job with it! (If you need someone to do your reel, reach out, and I will give you his contact info)
Right at the top is the option for you to sign up for my email list. I would love it if you would sign up for my VIP mailing list and keep up to date with all things I am doing. Don't worry; I only send newsletters monthly, so you will not be bombarded with emails from me.
I hope that this new look will make the landing page easier and simpler for you and allow you to find things quicker-- don't forget about the search bar at the top!
Click here to visit the new home page!